Random Surrealism Generator
Above should be an example of the text-only version of the Random Surrealism Generator, where the sentence always appears as a Shakespearian quote. You can refresh this page to change the text, as you could with the main index.
To configure a fixed-sentence error message, put "ss=[sentence number]" in the query string within the tag. (separate configuration changes with an ampersand - &)
For example, use the following code to always get the shorter form of surreal Shakespearian quote, with graphics:
Or use the following to always get the longer Shakespearian quote, without (this longer form might appreciate a larger window also, so height has been increased - note the <img> version doesn't have increased height):
If you wanted to choose the sentence from a selection of sentence types, like on this page, (say, you want only Shakespeare, but like both quotes), you can give a comma-separated list of sentences, as follows:
Main Random Surrealism Generator page
Text-only, for quicker loading
Surreal error messages for programmers
Surreal Shakespearian quotes
Configuring the colors to suit your page
Custom images as the speaker
JavaScript to generate the required code for your desired setup
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